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Word 2016 Essentials
Word 2016 - Introduction
Welcome! (1:02)
Word 2016 Basics
Screen, Main Tabs/Ribbons (13:05)
Contextual Tabs and Key Tips (6:32)
Quick Access Toolbar (7:54)
How To's
Saving, Protecting and Inspecting Your Document (7:43)
Export to PDF (2:55)
Styles (7:46)
Headers, Footers and Page Numbers (11:30)
Footnotes and Endnotes (9:47)
Table of Contents (5:07)
Table of Authorities / Citations (7:59)
Creating Tables (14:06)
Working with Tables (9:23)
Track Changes (9:35)
Watermarks (3:57)
Line Numbering (4:18)
Tips and Tricks
Opening Documents/Templates from Quick Access Toolbar (2:58)
Style Inspector (2:11)
Reveal Formatting (3:54)
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